The Stories of The Prophets

The Merciful God has sent many prophets at different times of history. Every known nation has had one prophet or more. All prophets were of good character and high honour. They were prepared and chosen by God to deliver His Message to mankind.

God intervenes in the world in two ways. One of them is “creation”, the other one is “revelation.” This second is realized by way of sending prophets. The prophets came to lead people to the true way and to help them in accessing the happiness in this world and in the next. Stories of the prophets are presented and dramatized in the Holy Qur’an to lead people to true path and render them ethical devouts in their works. So, God says in the Holy Book:

“There is a lesson for the men of understanding in Their Stories” (Yûsuf 12: 11)

Here is the list of the prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an together with their counterparts in the Bible.

As Muslims, we must believe in all prophets and messengers (Baqara 2: 285).

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