Who lived on earth before human-beings?
Long ago, none lived on earth as humans. There were other creatures who fought among them. But they were not humans. Angels and Jinns were created before Adam. Allah then decided to create man to worship Him, to construct the world and to spread the peace over there.
Allah said to the Angels:
“I am going to send my Caliph (Deputy or Agent). The Angels said: “Will you send there someone who will make mischief and shed blood, while we praise you and glorify you. Allah said that “Surely I know what you do not know” (Baqara 2: 30).
The Angels, then, were silent. Allah also said to the Angels
“I am going to create a Mortal (Bashar) from clay. When I have fashioned him and given him life, you must prostrate before him.” (Sâd :38 71)
Who are Adam and Eve (Hawwa)?
Adam is the first Prophet on earth and father of humanity on earth, too. Allah created Adam from clay and gave him the nicest shape. He then commanded the Angels and the Jinn to prostrate before Adam as the sign of greatness of man over other beings.
The Angels obeyed the command but Iblis refused to prostrate Him and disobeyed Allah.
Eve is the wife of Adam and She is the mother of human-beings on earth. Adam (pbuh) was alone in Paradise so Allah created Eve as his wife. Allah created Eve from what He created Adam, not from the rib of Adam. Now, Adam was happy and living in Al-Jannah. Allah said to Adam:
“Live with your wife in Al-Jannah. Eat freely whatever you like there. But do not come close to that tree.” (Baqara 2: 35)
How about “Original Sin”?
Adam and Hawwa (the Arabic name for Eve) are believed to be the first human beings, endowed by God with faculties not found in other earthly creatures. Furthermore, the Qur’an indicates that the first souls of man and woman originated from a single soul cleft in two, demonstrating the spiritual coequality of men and women.
The blissful Garden in which Adam and Hawwa initially dwelt proved to be a testing ground as well. God had warned the two not to eat of the fruit from a particular tree, yet at the insistence of Iblis (Satan), the two succumbed to temptation. Realizing that they had transgressed against God, the two repented and were ultimately forgiven. Thereafter, God placed the two on earth and multiplied the human race in order to test humanity and give humans the opportunity to demonstrate their highest potential in the face of continued temptation from Satan and his minions.
According to the Qur’anic account, both Adam and Eve sinned equally when they disobeyed God’s command to stay clear of the forbidden tree; Eve does not figure as a temptress leading to “man’s downfall.” Furthermore, since God assigns every individual his or her freedom and responsibilities, Muslims do not believe in “Original Sin,” the concept that the sin of Adam is inherited by all humankind. Rather, Muslims believe that each person is personally accountable to God, and will be judged by Him according to their good and bad deeds, independent of those of others.
“Those who believe and work righteous deeds, from them shall We blot out all evil, and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds.” (Ankabut 29: 7)
Who is Iblis?
Iblis was from the Jinns. Allah asked:
“What prevented you from prostrating before that which I have created?”
Iblis replied:
“I am better than him. You have created me from fire, but him you created from clay.” (A’raf 7: 12) and (Hijr 15: 32-33)
Allah then said:
“Get out of here you are cast out. My curse is on you till the Day of Judgement.” (Hijr 15: 34-35)
“Iblis vowed to misguide Adam and his children.” (A’raf 7: 14-18)
But as you know, Allah has given man knowledge and guidance to distinguish between right and wrong to avoid being misguided.
Although Satan or Devil is the enemy to human-being, he can only do harm to those who are the companions of him. He can not do any harm to believers whatsoever. It is said in the holy Qur’an:
“Verily Satan is an enemy to you; so treat him as a enemy, he only invites his adherents, that they may become companions of the Blazing Fire.” (Fatir 35: 6)
“Did I not enjoin on you, O ye Children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?” (Maryam 19: 68)
What did Allah teach Adam?
Allah then taught Adam some names and asked the Angels to tell those names. The Angels said:
“Glory to you, we do not know more than you have taught us. Surely you are All-Knowing and the most Wise.” (Baqara 2: 31)
“Allah then asked Adam to say those names and He did so.” (Baqara 2: 33)
Turning to the Angels, Allah said:
“Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?” (Baqara 2: 33)
God’s teaching Adam the names means to promote human above angels and to appoint him as the vicegerent on earth to act and to construct a place suitable to live in peace and harmony.
Why did Allah forbid Adam and Eve from the tree in Paradise?
This was intended to test them and teach them self-control. Allah, also wanted to see whether they used the knowledge given to them to save themselves from the evil tricks of Iblis.
What mistakes did Adam and Eve make when they were in Heaven and why did they ask Allah’s forgiveness?
Iblis was trying hard to misguide Adam and Eve. At last, he succeeded and tempted Adam and Eve to go to that tree. As soon as they approached the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve became bared. Until then, they did not know what bareness was.
They had no cause to be ashamed of it. But now they felt ashamed. They tried to cover themselves with leaves and to hide. But there was nowhere they could hide from Allah, the All-Knowing. Adam and Eve asked Allah’s Forgiveness and it was granted to them. So, some scholars interpreted that eating the forbidden fruit resembles to gain knowledge and awareness or self-consciousness.
What was the prayer of Adam and Eve to Allah after they were deceived by Devil?
They prayed:
“Our Lord we have wronged ourselves, and if you forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are of the lost.” (A’raf 7: 23)
Why did Allah command Adam and Eve to descend to earth?
Because they approached the forbidden tree. He then commanded Adam and Eve to go down to earth and live there. But Allah was very kind and taught them the way to seek forgiveness. (Baqara 2: 38-39)
He also told them that He would send guidance for them, so that they would not deviate from the right-path.
Allah revealed guidance to Adam and He was made the first Prophet on earth.
The fact that Adam had first been in Paradise then he was sent to the world shows that Adam is not only a natural creature like other creatures, but additionally he has some metaphysical characteristics that make him different from others, so human beings, though they live in nature, do tend to keep in touch with beyond nature.
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