Pilgrimage / Hajj

Hajj is the fifth Pillar of Islam. It is obligatory/fard for every adult, wise, strong and rich Muslim to go on the pilgrimage once in his life, walking around the Kaba and paying visits to the holy places. Poor, crippled, and paralysed persons are not obliged to go on pilgrimage.

Muslims are required to perform the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able to do so. Hajj is a time of turning away from the world in order to turn towards God and sincerely seek His forgiveness for past sins and errors. The rites of the Hajj commemorate the trials and sacrifices of Prophet Abraham, his wife Hajar, and their son Prophet Ishma’il. The city of Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, is the site of the pilgrimage because the Ka’bah, which was built by Abraham and Ishma’il as the first “house of worship” dedicated to the One God, is located there. The Hajj takes place over several days in the early part of twelfth month in the Islamic calendar, called Dhul-Hijjah.

Al-Ka’bah, known as Bai-tullah (House of Allah) is a cube-like, one storey building which is the first House ever built for the sole purpose of the worship of Allah. Allah has blessed this Al-Ka’bah. Muslims who can afford to make the journey and are physically fit come here every year from all over the world.

What are the conditions for Pilgrimage:

1) Putting on Ihram

2) Paying visits and walking around the Kaba (Tawaf)

3) Visiting and staying at Arafah, Mina and Muzdalifah

4) A fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah near Al-Kabah

5) Throwing pebbles at three fixed places in Mina

6) Sacrifice of an animal (sheep, goat, cow or camel)

7) Cutting or shortening hair

What is the meaning of Ihram?

At the time of Hajj, while approaching Mecca, a pilgrim must put on ihram before reaching a point called Miqat (Station). Ihram is two sheets of unseen white cloth for men. This is a very simple form of dress. It represents the severance of all wordly connections. A pilgrim must wear in place of his normal everyday clothes. For a woman, Ihram is her ordinary dress. When he puts on ihram, the pilgrim expresses his intention (Niyyah) by saying “I intend to put on ihram for Hajj.”

What is the meaning of Black Stone (Hacar al-Aswad)?

The Arabic of the Black Stone is (Al-Hajar al-Aswad). It is on the Eastern Wall of the Ka’bah. The Black Stone was regarded as sacred by Muslims, a sacracy involves Muslims to respect it.

What is Talbiyah?

While in Ihram the Pilgrim recites Talbiyah as follows. “Here I am O Lord, here I am, here I am, You have no partner, here I am (3 times). Surely praise, blessings and the kingdom are for you. You have no Partner.”

What is the significance of putting an Ihram during Pilgrimage?

This change is very significant. It reminds the Pilgrim of his position in relation to Allah. He is a humble servant of his Creator. It also reminds him that after death he will be wrapped in white sheets and his favourite or expensive clothes will be left behind.

What lessons do we get from Pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage: The occasion may rightly be called the Annual International Muslim Assembly. During Pilgrimage the Islamic brotherhood becomes particularly evident and can be experienced in a special way by everyone who takes part. Barriers of language, territory, colour and race disappear and the bond of faith is upper most. Everyone has the same status in the House of Allah (The status of His servant).

“Help you one another in righteousness and piety but help you not one another in Sin and Rancour. Fear Allah, for Allah is strict in punishment.” (Maida 5: 2)

On the other hand, Hajj has in it all the lessons of Salah, Zakah and Fast and we offer Salah to remember Allah, pay Zakah to please Him and Fast only for His sake. During Salah, we present ourselves to Allah five times a day. But during Hajj we have to think of Allah all the time. At the time of Salah, we face towards Ka’bah but during Hajj we actually go there personally.

Zakah teaches us to pay part of our savings for welfare and other good causes for Allah’s sake. But during Hajj we must sacrifice much more of our money for the pleasure of Allah.

Sawm teaches us to control ourselves during daylight hours from eating, drinking or smoking or having conjugal relations. But in the state of Ihram there are many more restrictions.

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