The Prophet Jesus ( Isa )

What is Islam’s view of Jesus?

Muslims believe that Jesus was a very important prophet of God, and that he was indeed the Messiah awaited by the Jews of ancient Palestine. Like Christians, Muslims believe Jesus’ mission was to reestablish justice among people and rectify deviations that had developed in the religion of the One God. Muslims share with Christians belief in Jesus’ unique birth and various miracles performed by him.

“Lo! The angels said: ‘O Mary! Behold, God sends thee the glad tiding, through a word from Him, of a son who shall become known as the Christ Jesus, son of Mary, of great honour in this world and in the life to come, and of those who are drawn near to God.” (Al-i Imran 3: 45)

However, Muslims do not believe in Jesus’ divinity, and do not consider Jesus the “Son of God”, since to do so would contradict the Qur’anic concept of God’s Unity (Oneness). Furthermore, since the concept of “Original Sin” does not exist in Islam, Jesus (nor any other prophet or person) does not play a redemptive role in human salvation. In other words, there is no concept of “vicarious atonement” in Islam. Moreover, Muslims do not share the Christian belief in Jesus’ crucifixion. According to the Qur’an, Jesus was assumed (taken up) to the realm of God to spare him such a fate.

In the Qur’an, God’s creation of Jesus, who had no father, is likened to His creation of Adam, who had neither father nor mother. Both, fashioned out of earth’s elemental components, are viewed as direct mani-festations of God’s Divine Command: “Be!”

Why did Allah the Merciful send a prophet to the Banî Israel again?

The Banî Israel were given many favours by Almighty Allah. But they were very ungrateful. They violated Allah’s orders, ridiculed the prophets and killed some of them. They started to worship idols and made Allah’s Message a mockery.

Thus Allah the Merciful again sent a prophet to bring them to the right way.

This Prophet was Jesus, son of Mary. (Baqara 2: 87). Allah bestowed Gospel (The New Testament) on him and Jesus confirmed what was in Torah (Tawrat=The Old Testament).

Why was the birth of Jesus (pbuh) a miracle?

Because he was born of the virgin Mary without a father, by Allah’s command (Maryam 19: 17-21). Allah can do anything He wishes. Everything is possible for Him. When Allah wants to get something done He only says, Be and it becomes. We know that Adam was created by Allah without a father and a mother. So, It was easy for Him (Allah) to create Jesus without a father.

How old was Jesus when he received a revelation?

Baby-Jesus born of virgin Mary was able to talk even as a baby. He was commissioned as a prophet when he was 30, and He acted as a prophet for three years. (Maryam 19: 29-34)

What were the miraculous powers that Allah bestowed upon Jesus?

1) Jesus could make living birds out of clay

2) He could heal Leprosy within minutes

3) He could restore the eyes of the blind.

4) He could also make the dead come alive (etc.)

All these Miracles were given to him by Allah. The Qur’an mentions these miraculous powers. (Al-i Imran 3: 46-51)

Did Jesus died on the cross according to Qur’an?

According to the Qur’an, prophet Jesus was not crucified to death, rather he died later and his soul was taken up by Allah, the Almighty and the most wise. (Nisâ 4: 157-158)

What is the Trinity?

In the Qur’an Christians are criticized for saying that God is “the third of three.” (Maida 5: 73) It may be that some Christians at the time believed Jesus and Maryam were gods apart from God. However, the correct Christians belief in Trinity is not a belief in three gods. Christians believe in one God but they believe that God has three essential aspects or attributes. They use metaphoric or allegorical language to express these aspects of the nature of God.

Why do Christians call God “Father”?

By this image Christians mean that God is the loving creator and origin of all things. They do not mean that God is like a human father.

What do Christians mean when they call Jesus “Son of God”?

Christians do not believe that God has any physical attributes so obviously the term “Son of God” is not meant to be literal. It is allegorical or metaphorical. God does not have children in the way human beings have children. Because Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Word, they call him “Son” to emphasize the closeness of the God’s Word to God.

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