The Holy Prophet Muhammad was born into the tribe of Quraysh in the city of Mecca in 570 C.E. His father, Abdullah, died before his birth. When Muhammad was six years old, his mother, Amina became ill and died. Thus, at a very young age Muhammad experienced the loss of his parents and became an orphan.
For the next few years Muhammad was entrusted to his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib. When Muhammad was eight years old, his grandfather also passed away. His uncle Abu Talib, a well-respected member of the Quraysh tribe, took responsibility for him. Muhammad grew up to become an honest and trustworthy businessman. Indeed, Muhammad’s upright and dependable reputation earned him the designation al-Amin (the Trustworthy One) among his fellow Meccans, and even invited a marriage proposal from Khadijah, a businesswoman in Mecca for whom Muhammad worked.
At the age of twenty-five, Muhammad married Khadijah, a widow who was his elder by fifteen or three years. Their marriage lasted twenty-five years, until Khadijah’s death. Muhammad and Khadijah had seven children: two sons died in early childhood, and four daughters lived to bless their household.
While most of his fellow Meccans were polytheists, Muhammad refused to worship the traditional tribal deities and often retreated to meditate and worship the One God of his ancestor, Abraham. At the age of forty, while meditating in the cave of Hira on the mountain above Mecca, Muhammad received the first of many revelations, beginning with the Arabic word Iqra, meaning “Read”, “Recite” and “Summon.” Soon afterwards, he was commanded to convey the Divine message and thus became the last messenger of God, according to the Qur’an.
“Read, in the name of thy Lord, Who created man, out of a clot (embryo). Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, He Who taught the use of the pen Taught man that which he knew not.” (‘Alaq 96: 1-5)
Muhammad spent the remaining twenty-three years of his life receiving revelations from God and advocating the message of Islam among the peoples of the Arabian peninsula and working to implement the principles and teachings of Islam in human society. After suffering severe persecution from the polytheistic Meccans for 11 years, he and his fellow Muslims emigrated to Yathrib, a city 200 miles north of Mecca, where he established Islamic rule. The city was renamed Madinah (short for Madinat an-Nabi, City of the Prophet). In the following years, the message of Islam brought more and more tribes in the Arabian peninsula into the fold, creating a new community based on common religious principles, rather than tribal or other affiliations. Muhammad died in 632 C.E. at the age of 63. His tomb is located adjacent to the Masjid an-Nabawi (Prophet’s Masjid) in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, in what used to be his quarters next to the original masjid of the city.
Muhammad is our great and beloved prophet. It is through Muhammad (pbuh) that Allah has completed the Islamic way of life.
No other person in the history of mankind has left so deep an impact on the life of his followers as Muhammad (pbuh). He is the last Messenger of Allah, his life is the best example for us to follow. He has shown us, how to obey Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Say (O, Muhammad) if you love Allah, follow me, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Al-i Imran 3: 31)
What was Muhammad’s role as the last prophet?
Islam teaches that Muhammad’s role as the final prophet of God was to confirm the authentic teachings of previous prophets and to rectify mistakes or innovations that followers of previous monotheistic faith traditions had introduced into the original religion of humankind. Muhammad is also viewed as the last ring for the completion of God’s guidance to humanity; the scope of his mission is seen as encompassing all people, rather than a specific region, group or community. Furthermore, his life serves as a perfect model of how to practice Islam fully.
“We have sent you forth to all humankind, so that you may give them good news and warn them.” (Saba’ 34: 28)
Muslims believe that the original revelations or scriptures given by God to prophets such as Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus had been lost or modified over time. Moreover, the ethno-religious concept of a “chosen people” found in Judaism and the doctrines of Trinity and Original Sin found in Christianity are believed to be later developments that grew away from the original practices and scriptures of previous prophets.
Essentially, Muslims view Islam not as a “new” religion, since it embodies the same message and guidance that God revealed to all His messengers, but rather a reestablishment of the “primordial” religion of humankind, centered around recognizing God’s Oneness and adhering to His commands. The view of Islam as having achieved its final form through the scripture given to Muhammad and his own teachings is an important aspect of faith. Consequently, Muhammad is considered the final messenger of God, the “Seal” of the Prophets. Any claimants to prophethood after Muhammad, ., are not accepted by Muslims.
Is the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the last and the final Prophet of Allah?
Yes, he is the last and the final prophet of Allah. There will be no prophet after him. So God called him “The seal of the Prophets.” This case is similar to an envelope. If you cover an envelope and seal it, nobody can uncover it. As such prophet Muhammad sealed the chain of the prophets and nobody can claim to be prophet.
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets....” (Ahzab 33: 40)
Qur’an says:
“We sent you (Muhammad) not but as a blessing for the Universe.” (Anbiya 21: 107)
What is the difference between Muhammad and other human-beings?
The difference between Muhammad (pbuh) and us is that he received guidance directly from Allah through revelation but we did not.
Muhammad (pbuh) was not only a messenger but a man as well. He was not a super human-being but a mortal man and the last of the Messengers of Allah. (Kahf 18: 110)
When did the Prophet accompany his uncle on a business trip to Syria?
Muhammad was growing up in the affectionate care of his uncle, Abu Talib. At the age of twelve Muhammad accompanied him on a business-trip to Syria. When their caravan reached Busra, in Syria, a Christian priest called Bahira invited them to a dinner. This was unusual. Abu Talib and his caravan had passed this way before several times but they were never asked in before by priest.
Why did Bahira (a Christian priest) invite all the members of the caravan to a dinner and why did Bahira insist on having Muhammad join in the dinner?
All the members of the caravan went to the dinner, except Muhammad who stayed behind, probably to look after the camels and the merchandise. Bahira insisted on having Muhammad join in the dinner. When Muhammad did, Bahira asked him a few questions and Muhammad answered them precisely.
When he heard the answers, Bahira (a person well versed in Christianity and the Bible) could recognize from his reading that the boy Muhammad was going to be a prophet in the future.
He advised Abu Talib to take special care of his nephew. When they finished their trading Abu Talib lost no time in returning to Mecca with Muhammad.
What is the significance of Alliance for Charity (Hilf al-Fudul)?
When Muhammad was fifteen a local war broke out during the Hajj season between the tribes of Quraish and Hawazin. According to Meccan tradition war was forbidden in the pilgrimage season. Despite this, the war lasted four years with intervals.
The reason for the war seemed silly to Muhammad and he felt quite disgusted at the nonsense bloodshed. He inspired many of them to take steps to stop the war and make peace.
Hilf al-Fudul organisation was formed to help the oppressed, the poor and the needy. Muhammad was present at the meeting. The participation of Muhammad in Hilf al-Fudul is a proof of his concern and interest in the welfare activities, even in his youth.
Why did Allah send his prophets mostly from shepherds?
Muhammad (pbuh) was very proud of having spent his boyhood as a shepherd. He used to say, “Allah sent no prophet who was not a shepherd. Moses was a shepherd, David was also a shepherd.”
The reason for this might be that Allah wanted His messengers to have experience of life as a shepherd to help deal with human-beings, with rare patience, in preaching Allah’s Message. It is very difficult to control a flock of sheep, goats, camels which do not have any understanding or sense of right and wrong. It needs a lot of patience and care to handle animals. The experience was eventually very useful for the messengers in their task of propagating and transmitting the Message of Allah.
What are the physical features of the prophet Muhammad?
Muhammad was a handsome man of medium build neither very tall nor short. He had a large head, very black thick hair, a wide forehead, heavy eye brows and large dark eyes with long eye lashes.
He had a fine nose, well placed teeth, thick beard, a long handsome neck and a wide chest and shoulders. His skin was light coloured and he had thick palms and feet.
He walked steadily with firm steps. His appearance had the mark of deep thought and contemplation. His eyes gave the feeling of the authority of a commander.
When did Muhammad marry to Khadijah?
As Muhammad grew up, he helped in running the business of his uncle who was managing his family with some difficulty. During this time, Muhammad received an offer from a noble lady named Khadijah to look after her business affairs. Muhammad’s fame as an honest and upright young man had now become well known in Mecca. That is why Khadijah made the proposal.
Muhammad accepted the proposal and set out for Syria with the goods of Khadijah. Accompanied by another of her employes called Maysarah, Muhammad’s made second business trip to Syria. Muhammad made big profits for Khadijah on this trip because of his intelligence, skill and honesty. It was almost double what anyone else had earned for Khadijah in the past.
On their return, Maysarah hurried to Khadijah and told her about his experience of Muhammad and about the big profits he made for her. Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwailid, was a determined, intelligent and noble woman. She was deeply impressed by the ability, character and performance of Muhammad (pbuh).
Khadijah decided to send a proposal of marriage to Muhammad (pbuh). On the advice of his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad consented to the proposal and the wedding ceremony went ahead. Now Muhammad was a family man and the marriage marked the beginning of a new phase in his life.
When and where did the prophet Muhammad receive the revelation first?
The Meccans worshipped idols made by themselves. Muhammad used to think about the stupidity of idol worshipping. The idols could not move, talk or do anything. How could they respond to the request of human-beings?
Cave Hira where the prophet received revelation first
All these appeared nonsense to Muhammad’s thinking mind. The retreat in the Cave Hira was to find answers to these deep-rooted feelings on his own.
Muhammad had reached the age of forty. One night while he was in the Cave Hira in Ramadan the Angel appeared. After transmitting the first verses the Angel Jibrail said: “O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibrail and wherever he looked, Muhammad saw Jibrail flying in the distance. He stood still until the Angel disappeared.
Which verses of Qur’an the Prophet received first?
These verses are:
“Read (and summon) in the name of your Lord who created you.
Created man from a clot of blood.
Read: Your Lord is most Generous.
Who taught by the pen.
Taught man what he did not know.” (Alaq 96: 1-5)
How did Khadijah comfort her husband when he had returned home in panic?
When the Angel hugged the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) again much harder for the third time and then released him the first verses of Qur’an. Muhammad (pbuh) recited these verses and felt as though the words were written on his heart.
Then the Angel disappeared and Muhammad (pbuh) rushed home in a panic and sat close to Khadijah. He told her all that happened. Khadijah, his noble, loving and caring wife had faith in the character of her husband and comforted him saying: “Rejoice, O son of my uncle and be of good heart. I have hope that you will be the Prophet of his people. You have never done any wrong to anyone. You are kind to others and you help the poor. So, Allah will not let you down.”
Who was Waraqah bin Nawfal?
Waraqah bin Nawfal was a Christian and had knowledge of the scriptures of the Torah and the Gospel.
When Muhammad (pbuh) rushed home in a panic, he asked Khadijah to wrap him up with blankets. He was wrapped up and he fell asleep. And when Muhammad woke up, Khadijah took him to her cousin Waraqah bin Nawfal.
Waraqah heard all that happened from Muhammad and said: “This is the same one who keeps the secrets (Angle Gabriel) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out.”
Who were the first Muslims?
First; Khadijah, Muhammad’s wife accepted Islam, she encouraged and assured Muhammad (pbuh) about the success of his prophethood and declared her own acceptance of Islam. She thus became the first Muslim.
Second; Ali bin Abu Talib, Muhammad’s cousin.
Third; Zaid bin Harithah, his household-servant outside the household.
Forth; Abu Bakr was the first among Muhammad’s friends to become a Muslim.
How did Muhammad (pbuh) call the Meccans to the Message of Allah?
He climbed on the top of As-Safa and shouted at the people who saw him standing there, gathered below. Muhammad (pbuh) told them: “O men of Quraish! If I were to tell you that I see an army ready to attack on the otherside of the mountain, would you believe me? They answered, “Yes, why not? We trust you and never found you telling a lie.” Muhammad said: “Know, then, that I am a warner and that I warn you of severe punishment. Allah has commanded me to warn you, my nearest kinsmen that I can assure you of good on this Earth and in Heaven, if you declare that “there is no god but Allah.”
Abu Lahab his uncle, became red with anger and spoke bad of his nephew. He said “Damn you! Did you assemble us for this?
Allah revealed:
“May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, doomed he is, his wealth and his properties shall not save him, he shall be thrown into a flaming fire of Hell.” (Tabbat 111: 3)
What were the proposals of Utbah bin Rabiah to the prophet Muhammad?
Utbah bin Rabiah was the leader of the Quraish and put some proposals to the prophet Muhammad. He suggested “If what you want is money, we will gather for you our property, so that you can be the richest of us. If you want honour, we will make you our chief, so that no-one can decide anything apart from you, if you want sovereignty, we will make you king.”
The prophet refused all these suggestions saying:
“O, my uncle and Quraish! By Allah if they put the Sun in my right hand and the Moon in my left, and ask me to give up my mission, I shall not do it until Allah has made it victorious or I perish there in.” And Abu Talib was moved by the firmness of his nephew and said, “Go and say what you please, for by Allah I shall never withdraw my support from you.”
Who were the first Muslims to suffer at the hands of the unbelievers of Mecca?
The first Muslims to suffer of the unbelievers of Mecca were Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas, Bilal bin Rabah and Ammar bin Yathir.
From the women Muslims: Sumaiyyah, Lubainah, Nahdiyyah and Umm Ubais.
For example; Bilal, an Abyssinian’s slave, was tortured by his master as he embraced Islam. He was thrown onto the sand under the burning sun with a heavy stone laid on his chest for no other reason than his acceptance of Islam. Bilal gallantly faced his torture and used to proclaim: “Allah the ONE, Allah the ONE.” Abu Bakr set him free from his infidel master.
Second example; Once Muhammad (pbuh) was almost strangled by an unbeliever while praying suddenly Abu Bakr arrived to rescue him.
Abu Lahab’s wife, Umm Jamil, used to throw rubbish and thorny bushes from her house at Muhammad’s (pbuh) door and way and all that Muhammad (pbuh) was able to do was to remove them.
Muhammad (pbuh) continued his preaching with even more enthusiasm and firmness and the hostility of the unbelievers also intensified.
The Meccans did all they could to stop him and his followers. But nothing worked. Islamic continued to flourish among the Meccans despite the false propaganda.
During these sufferings Hamzah, the young uncle of the Prophet accepted Islam. His acceptance of the faith added strength to Islam. For Hamzah was a brave man. His acceptance of Islam compelled the Quraish to abandon some of their harassment.
Allah commanded the Prophet to tell the unbelievers in clear terms that there could be no such compromise on matters of basic principles. Muhammad (pbuh) was asked to declare them:
“You have your religion and I have mine.” (Kafirun 109: 6)
Where did the Muslims emigrate to first?
Eighty three Muslims, excluding children, emigrated to Abyssinia in groups. It was the first emigration of the Muslims who had to leave their country for the sake of Allah. The first group was of ten people. Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was being ruled by Najjashi (Negus) at that time.
What is the meaning of Boycott?
The Quraish were seething at the gradual increase in the strength of the Muslims. They plotted another assault and decided on a total Boycott of the family of Hashim and Muttalib. The clans of Hashim and Muttalib demonstrated great firmness during the Boycott. The document of Boycott which was kept in the Ka’bah was eaten up by white ants, all except the name of Allah.
The Boycott continued for three years.
Why the Prophet had a very difficult day in Ta’if?
When prophet Muhammad (accompanied by Zaid bin Harithah) went to three important people of Ta’if, a City sixty miles to the west of Mecca, and invited them to Islam, All three refused and insulted him.
Then, the urchins threw stones at the Prophet’s legs and feet. The prophet used to say that the Day in Ta’if was the most difficult day of his life.
What is Al-Isra?
After the severe shocks of the death of Abu Talib and Khadijah and the cruel treatment received at Ta’if, Muhammad longed for some comfort. It was not long before he got it. It happened in the form of a remarkable and eventful Nocturnal Journey to Jerusalem called Al-Isra. There is also a Surah in the Qur’an by this name, and the first verse of the Surah signifies it.
Al-Aqabah in Mecca
When and where was the first Covenant of Al-Aqabah performed?
When Muhammad (pbuh) opened public preaching, he met a group of people from Madinah (then called Yathrib) at the time of Hajj and he invited them to accept Islam. They responded to his call and became Muslims. There were six of them. They returned to Madinah as believers and invited the rest of their tribes to join the new faith.
Next year twelve people from Madinah came during Hajj and the Prophet entered into an agreement with them at a place called Al-Aqabah in 621 CE. This agreement is known as the Covenant of Al-Aqabah.
In this pledge they agreed;
a) To obey none but Allah,
b) Neither to steal nor commit adultery,
c) Neither to kill their children nor commit any evil and not to disobey Allah.
They were told by Muhammad that if they lived under this covenant, Allah would be pleased with them and reward them with Paradise.
When and where did the second-covenant of Al-Aqabah take place?
A second covenant with the Muslims of Madinah was concluded in 622 CE in the same place, Al-Aqabah. In all, seventy-three people including two women took part in this pledge.
They are;
a) This covenant was an extension of the first.
b) It was agreed that the Muslims of Madinah would protect and help the Prophet against all enemies.
c) As they would protect their own women and children.
d) All dangers which would arise out of this covenant were ex-plained by Al-Abbas (Prophet’s uncle) to the Madinite Muslims in clear terms.
But still the Madinite Muslims said “we take him (the Prophet) despite all threats to property, wealth and life. Tell us O Prophet of Allah ! What will be our reward, if we remain true to this oath?”
The Prophet answered “Paradise.” They stretched out their hands to him and he to them, and in this way the covenant was concluded.
The second covenant included clauses about war situations which made it a duty for the Madinite Muslims to defend the Prophet in the event of external attack from Mecca.
With this aggreement Muslims had a place to take shelter, an ally in time of war and danger.
Why did the Prophet (pbuh) change his working strategy after the second Covenant of Al-Aqabah?
Because, for thirteen years, he had tried his best to preach the message of Allah to the people of Mecca. But the Meccan soil was not fertile for this.
Madinah provided him with fresh, receptive ground where he saw the seed of Islam and decided to use evaluate this opportunity.
Why did Muhammad (pbuh) command the Muslims of Mecca to start emigrating to Madinah?
In order to strengthen the bond with the Muslims there the Meccan Muslims started moving to Madinah, individually and in small groups.
The Unbelievers tried ferociously to stop this and became even more malicious.
God praising the believers said in the Qur’an as to emigration:
“Those who believed and those who suffered exile and fought (and strove and struggled) in the Path of Allah, They have the hope of the Mercy of Allah and Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Baqara 2: 218)
“And say “Truth has (now) arrived and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.” (Isra 17: 81)
The Hijrah: Initial steps of forming a new way of life and civilization
“Those who have left their homes and were driven out there from and suffered harm in My cause and fought and were slain. Verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities and admit them into Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath... “ (Âl-i Imrân 3: 195)
“He who forsakes his home in the Cause of Allah. Finds in the Earth many a refuge... For Allah and His Messenger, His reward becomes due and sure with Allah and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.” (Nisâ 4: 100)
What is the Hijrah (Emigration)?
When the life became very difficult for Muslims in Madine, Muslims were obliged to leave their homes and lands for Makka for the sake of Allah and His Pleasure!
What are the meaning of Ansar (The Helpers) and Muhajirun (The Immigrants)?
a)The Muslims of Madinah are known as Ansar (Helpers).
b)And those of Mecca who emigrated from Mecca to Madinah are known as Muhajirun (Emigrants) in Islamic history.
Why was the Prophet (pbuh) waiting in Mecca with Abu-Bakr and Ali?
He was waiting for permission from Allah to emigrate himself. Abu Bakr, his closest friend stayed behind on the Prophet’s advice. Ali, the cousin of the Prophet, also, stayed behind. Abu Bakr was to accompany the Prophet.
When did the Prophet (pbuh) emigrate to Madinah?
The Unbelievers potted to kill Muhammad (pbuh). The permission to migrate to Madinah also had come.
Muhammad secretly left Mecca at night in 622 CE with Abu Bakr. A specially formed group of unbelievers laid in wait at night around the Prophet’s house to kill him as he came out. Ali was left behind to sleep in the Prophet’s bed and the Prophet quitely left. In the morning they found Ali in the Prophet’s bed and were dumb-founded.
The Unbelievers fooled by the wit of the Prophet now organized a through search on the road to Madinah and offered a prize of 100 camels for the capture of Muhammad. Suraqah was almost successful but failed in the end. His horse fell down three times in his pursuit to kill Muhammad and in the end he gave up his sinister aim, taking the falls as bad Omens then he accepted Islam and became a Muslim.
How many days did they stay in the Cave Thawr?
The Prophet and his companion Abu Bakr had left just before dawn and proceeded to the Cave Thawr, to the south of Mecca. They stayed in the Cave for three days where Abu-Bakr’s servant brought them food in the evenings. They left the Cave on the third day and started for Madinah.
The Cave-Thawr
Where is Quba?
It is a place near Madinah. The prophet spent a few days there before proceeding to Madina. In Quba the Prophet waited for Ali who endangered his life for him. After fulfilling the mission assigned to him, Ali joined the Holy Prophet in Quba. Thus together they started towards Madina.
After a tiresome, exhausting and very difficult journey, the Prophet accompanied by Abu Bakr reached Quba. They stayed there for two weeks and the Prophet founded a Mosque in Quba.
The Quba Mosque which was founded by the Prophet is the first one to be built.
How did the Prophet enter Madinah?
The Prophet got on his camel and entered Madinah. The People of Madinah who had anxiously waited the arrival of Muhammad became very happy and excited when they found him among them.
They gave him a hero’s welcome. Then the Prophet (pbuh) allowed his camel to kneel where it liked. It knelt first in a place which was owned by two orphans and got up to kneel finally in front of the house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari which became the first residence of the Prophet in Madinah.
Why the Hijrah of the Prophet is a new chapter in the history of Islam?
Hijrah has two sides ;
a) The sad and heart-breaking scene of leaving the beloved birth place. On the one hand a feeling of security and hope for the work of Islam more freely than before.
b) On the other, the Islamic Calendar started from the day of the Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Mecca to Madinah. Hijrah was the beginning of the new role for the Prophet as a Statesman and a Ruler. Thus his fifty three years of life in Mecca of which he spent thirteen eventful years as the Prophet of Allah ended.
End of Meccan Period
What is the meaning of Madinat an-Nabi?
Madinah was known at that time as Yathrib, it came to be known as Madinat an-Nabi, the Prophet’s city-after Muhammad’s (pbuh) arrival. Later it became known simply as Madinah-Al-Munawwarah (The Illuminated / Enlightened City)
Where is Masjid an-Nabi?
It is in Madinah al-Munawwarah. The Prophet then decided to construct a Mosque in Madinah. Soon, work began at a place which was purchased from it’s Orphan owners.
This was the place where the Prophet’s Camel (Quswa) had first knelt before it finally knelt in front of the house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari.
The Prophet’s residence was built next to the Mosque. Muhammad himself took part in the construction as an ordinary labourer.
The Masjid an-Nabi
Muhammad (pbuh) never hesitated to do any ordinary work, he used to mend his own clothes, repair his own shoes, do the shopping etc. In this respect he left for us a shining example.
How the prophet created Islamic brotherhood in Madinah?
The prophet’s first task was to form a solid bond of Faith and brotherhood between the Ansar and the Muhajirun.
He called a meeting of both communities and asked the Ansars to become brothers of the Muhajirun. He also suggested that they should share their property and other belongings with their migrant brothers.
After having settled in Madina and building a mosque which was indeed the military and constitutional base of muslims, the Prophet of Islam took the excellent initiative. He laid the foundation of Islamic brotherhood, so that great unity and sincerity could be created in Muslim society and so the emigrant Muslims would know that though they had lost a number of their friends and relatives and had been forced to leave their homeland, in return, they had gained brothers who were much more loyal and sympathetic from every point of view.
The Ansar did what they were asked by the Prophet. This was a rare event unmatched in human history, such was the powerful influence of Islam.
How many communities were there in Madinah?
The City had these communities:
a) The Ansar (the Helpers) of the tribes of Aws and Khazraj,
b) The Jews from the tribes of Qainuqa, Nadir and Quraizah,
c) The migrants from Mecca,
d) Christian people most of whom were slaves, not learned ones.
e) Other religious groups: Maniheists and Mazdaists.
When did Madinah become the capital of the Islamic Community?
When Muhammad became the leader of the city with the cementing of the bond of brotherhood, he had virtually inaugurated the Islamic Society. Madinah then became the capital of Islamic Community, the first Islamic City State.
The Islamic State of Madinah knew no distinction between the ruler and his subjects. Every citizen belonged to Allah and enjoyed equal rights. Islam doesn’t recognise any preference of one over another except on the basis of piety (Taqwa). In the Islamic State of Madinah, there was no discrimination on the basis of colour, class or descent. Allah’s Messenger made a treaty with the Jews but the Jews did not live up their pledge and later betrayed it.
When was Qiblah changed?
In the second year of Hijrah (the Month of Sha’ban) Qiblah (the Direction of Prayer) was changed by revelation from Bait al-Maqdis in Jerusalem to Al-Ka’bah in Mecca.
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