The Prophet Noah ( Nuh )

Many hundreds years passed after Adam and the Earth was filled with his children. As time passed, the children of Adam, forgot Allah and started to worship statues made of stones. They became bad and they started to lie, steal and some became mean and greedy.

Allah the most Merciful, sent Noah (pbuh) to these people to bring them back to rihgt path and to His worship. Noah invited the people to come back to Tawhîd. He asked them to give up Idol worshipping and all other vices which they had developed.

He warned them about the Day of Judgement. (A’raf 7: 64)

Noah did his best for many years to make people come worship of Allah. But the people did not listen. They laughed at him, mocked him, despised him and called him crazy and a liar. (Shuarah 26: 118)

Noah lived 950 years and within this long period, only a few people responded to his call. Even his sons and wife did not believe in him. (Ankabut 29: 14)

Noah (pbuh) became so fed up with the stubbornness of their opposition to the truth that he ultimately prayed to Allah.

“Leave not upon the land any one from the unbelievers.” (Nouh 71: 26)

So, He cried unto His Lord saying:

“I am vanquished, so give help” (Qamar 54: 10)

He also prayed to Allah to save him and his followers. And Allah, Almighty, accepted Noah’s prayer and asked him to build an Ark. Noah started to construct the ark. It was not an easy task. But prophet Noah persevered. (Hûd 11: 37)

What did people say when they saw Noah building an ark?

They laughed at him and thought that Noah must have gone mad. They could not see the reason for building so huge an ark, hundreds of miles away from the sea. (Hûd 11: 38) Noah told the mockers that a flood would soon overcome them and they would have no place to take shelter. The people laughed even more. But Allah’s plans soon came true and the disbelievers saw it happened.

Suddenly the skies became dark and thunder and rain followed, it rained and rained and the whole land became flooded. There was water everywhere. Every living thing drowned except those that were in the ark which was floating on top of the water. (Qamar 54: 11-15)

What did Allah order Noah to take into the ark when it was finished?

After many days of hard work the ark was completed and Allah asked Noah to take a pair (one male, one female) of all the animals, into the ark. Noah and his followers boarded afterwards. (Hûd 11: 40-41)

How long did the Flood last?

The Flood lasted five months and it destroyed all the disbelievers, even Noah’s own son, an unbeliever, was not saved. Noah had asked permission of Allah to take his son in the ark but he was refused. He was told that an unbelieving son was no part of his family. Noah felt sorry and Allah forgave him. Noah and his followers were safe in the Ark. (Hûd 11: 45-47)

At last the skies began to clear and the ark halted at Mount Judi. Noah and his followers disembarked. Thus Allah saved Noah and his followers. So, Noah is called the second of our father on earth.

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