Faith ( Iman )

What is the declaration of Faith?

A Muslim declares his faith by reciting: “La-ilaha-illal-lah, Muham-madu’r-Rasulullah”

These Arabic words mean: “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” This declaration is called Kalimah at-Tawhîd. It summarizes whole of Islamic belief. The first part (La-ilaha-illal-lah) is about the ONEness of Allah (Tawhîd in Arabic), while the second part (Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah) concerns the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him).

We already know that we belong to Allah and He is our Master. So, in order to behave like the servants of our Creator we must practise Salah, Zakah, Savm and Hajj faithfully and we must shape our life around Shahadah. If we perform them regularly and correctly we come closer to Allah our Creator and Sustainer.

What are the basic beliefs of Iman (Faith)?

The Basic Beliefs of Iman are to believe in:

1) Allah

2) Angles of Allah

3) Books of Allah

4) Messengers of Allah

5) The day of Judgement

6) Life after death and supremacy of Divine Will (Al-Qadar).

These beliefs have been declared precisely in the faith in detail:

“I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Last Day (the Day of Judgement) in the life after death and in the fact that everything good or bad operates under a law laid down by Allah the Almighty.”

The person who confirms these principles by word of mouth and certifies them with his heart is considered as having entered the religion of Islam.

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