Selected verses from the Qur’an
“Surely this Qur’an guides to that which is the straightest and gives good news to believers who practice good and they will get a great reward” (Isra 17: 9).
“Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Him, the Living, the Ever Lasting. Slumber does not overtake Him nor does sleep. He knows what lies before them and what is behind them. His authority extends over Heaven and Earth.” (Baqara 2: 255)
“We have sent a Messenger to every Nation. Serve Allah (Alone) and turn a side from false Gods.” (Nahl 16: 36)
“Do you think then that we have created you for nothing and that you would not be returned to Us.” (Mu’minun 23: 115)
Qualities of Mu’min
“They are who are humble in their prayers, who avoid vain talk and who practice the System of Zakah and who faithfully observe their trusts and undertaking...” (Mu’minûn 23: 1-11)
Duty towards Parents
“Be kind to your Parents and the relatives and the Orphans and those in need and speak nicely to people.” (Baqara 2: 83)
“Your Lord has ordered that you worship none but Him and show kindness to your Parents, whether either of them or both of them attain old age in your life, never say to them “Ough” nor be harsh to them, but speak to them kindly. And serve them with tenderness and humility and say: My Lord have mercy on them, just as they cared for me as a little child.” (Isra 17: 23,24)
“Allah commands Justice, kindness and giving (their due) to near relatives.” (Nahl 16: 90)
“Give Orphans their property and do not replace something bad for something good.” (Nisâ 4: 2)
“Believers are but brothers, so set things right between your brothers and observe your duty to Allah so that you may obtain mercy.” (Hucurât 49: 10).
“When you enter houses salute one another with a greeting from Allah, blessed and sweet.” (Nûr 24: 61)
“Be modest in your behaviour and lower your voice. Truly the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.” (Luqman 31: 19)
“If you find no one there in still do not enter until permission has been given” (Nûr 24: 27,28).
Keeping promise
“O, you who believe, fulfill your undertakings...” (Maide 5: 1)
“Whenever you speak, speak justly even if a near relative is concerned.” (An’am 6: 152)
“O, you who believe! Fear Allah and stand by those who are truthful.” (Tavba 9: 199)
“Tolerate patiently what (Unbelievers) say and part from them in polite manner.” (Muzzammil 73: 10)
“Allah commands justice and fairness...” (Nahl 16:90); (Maida 5:8)
Reliance on Allah
“...He who relies on Allah, Allah is enough for him” (Talaq 65: 3)
“And there are People Who say: “We believe in Allah and the Last Day but actually do not believe” (Baqara 2: 8)
Abortion and Birth Control
“Do not kill your children in fear of poverty, We shall provide for them and you. Killing them is a big Sin.” (Isra 17: 31)
“Eat of the things which Allah had provided for you lawful and good but fear Allah in Whom you believe.” (Maida 5: 88)
“Eat and drink of the sustenance provided by Allah and do no evil nor mischief on earth...” (Baqara 2: 60)
“O people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of the Evil One for he is to you and avowed Enemy.” (Baqara 2:168)
“O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer, eat and drink but waste not by excess for Allah loveth not He wasters.” (A’raf 7: 31)
Usury and Interest
.”..Allah has permitted trading and forbidden Interest and Usury.” (Baqara 2: 275)
Wine and Gambling
.”..O you who believe! Liquor and Gambling, Idols and Divining arrows are only a filthy work of Satan; give them up so that you may prosper” (Maida 5: 90)
“And keep away from Adultery. Surely, it is a hateful filthy work and a very bad thing.” (Isra 17: 32)
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