Salah (prayer) is the second pillar of Islam. It refers to the five compulsory daily prayers. Salah (prayer) is offered five times a day individually or in congregation. We offer Salah (prayer) to remember Allah. It brings us closer to Him. The Qur’an says:
“Establish Salah to remember Me (Allah).” (Tâ-Hâ 20: 14)
Salah is the practical proof of our faith in Allah and Islam. It has been made compulsory at certain fixed time. Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Salah at fixed times has been enjoined on the Believers.” (Nisâ 4: 103)
When we analyze the Islamic prayer and study its unique nature, it will reveal to us that it is not merely a physical motion or a void recital of the Holy Book. It is a matchless formula of intellectual mediation and spiritual devotion, of moral elevation and physical exercise, all combined. It should always be borne in mind that God does not need man’s prayer, because He is free of all needs. He is only interested in our prosperity and well being in every sense. When He emphasizes the necessity of prayer and charges us with any duty, He means to help us; because whatever good we do is for our own benefit, and whatever offence we commit is against our own souls. Here, too, man is the centre of gravity, and his common interest is the main concern. Here is an explaination of the effectiveness of the Islamic prayer:
1) It strengthens the belief in the Existence and Goodness of God ant transmits this belief into the innermost recesses of man’s heart.
2) It enlivens this belief and makes it constructive in the practical course of life.
3) It helps man to realize his natural and instictive aspirations to greatness and high morality, to excellence and virtuous growth.
4) It purifies the heart and developes the mind, cultivates the conscience and comforts the soul.
5) It fosters the good and decent elements in man, and supresses the evil and indecent inclinations.
What are the five daily prayers and their times?
The five daily prayers are;
Fajr : from dawn until just before sunrise
Zuhr : after mid-day until afternoon
Asr : from late afternoon until daylight ends (dusk)
Maghrib : after sunset until daylight ends
Isha’ : night until midnight or dawn
Our Prophet said that: “All the Earth has been given Me as a place for prayers (prostration) and as a purifier.”
And he also said that: “Tell your children to pray when they are seven and warn them for omission (of Prayers) at ten.”
How can we have purity?
We can have a full bath of the whole body with pure water or have partial ablution, cleaning only parts of the body (Fresh-Wudu). The full bath is called Ghusl and the latter is Wudu (Ablution) in Arabic. Cleanliness of the body and clothes is called Taharah / Purification. We may be clean outwardly and still not be pure. It is especially important to remove all trace of urine or excrement from the clothes worn for Salah / Prayer. We must be clean and pure for Prayer. The holy Qur’an says:
“Surely, Allah loves those who turn to Him and those who care for cleanliness.” (Baqara 2: 222)
Muslims are not allowed to have a shower in the nude in the presence of others.
Why do we need to perform prayer (salah)?
We perform salah to remember Allah our Creator and to be close to Him and to gain His favour and benefaction. The Qur’an asks as to establish Salah to remember God and to purify ourselves inwardly so that we can refrain from all evil things.
What is Qiblah?
Stand upright on your prayer mat facing the direction of Al-Ka’bah. The direction we face to is called Qiblah in Arabic. Qiblah is in the south east from Turkey.
How do you make your Niyyah for prayer?
Before we can begin to perform prayer (salah) we must first prepare ourselves. This preparation includes making sure we are clean and this is done by carrying out Wudu. Wudu (Ablution) is essential for performing Salah. So we can not perfom our salah without first taking Wudu.
These are the steps to take :
After performing the ablution, the worshipper stands up facing Qibla. Prayers begin with the Niyyah (intention), the worshipper’s intention, expressing that he is proposing to pray, for example, the two Fard (obligatory) Rikats. Then he utters the words “Allahu Akbar” “God is the Greatest.” With his thumbs he touches the lobes of his ears, his hands are opened on each side of his face. Then his right hand is placed upon the left over his breast while his eyes look at the ground.
What is Ruku?
Bowing down and saying; “Subhana Rabbiyal A’zim (Transliteration) (Glory to my Lord the Great) three times. This position is called Ruku.
What is Qiyam?
Stand up from the bowing position saying “Sami-Allahu-liman-hamidah (Allah hears those who praise Him). This standing is called Qiyam in Arabic.
What is the Takbirat al-Ihram?
Raising your hands up to your ears (women and girls up to their shoulders) and saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) is called (Takbirat al-Ihram).
What is Sajdah/prostration?
Prostrate on the floor on your prayer mat saying “Allahu Akbar” with your forehead, nose, palms of both hands and your knees touching the floor. Recite “Subhane-Rabbiyal-A’la (Glory to my Lord the Highest) three times. This position is called Sajdah.
What is Adhan (Call to Prayer)?
Adhan informs Muslims about the timing of prayer, and is recited at the beginning of the prayer. It is strongly recommended that wherever possible Muslims should offer their compulsory (Fard) prayers in the Mosque. It is a confirmed Sunna ordered by the holy Prophet.
Who is Muazzin (Caller to Prayer)?
The person who gives the Adhan is called the Muazzin (Caller). While calling for prayer he stands in the Minaret or in the courtyard of the Mosque facing the Qiblah and raises his hands to his ears and calls out;
1) Allahu Akbar (4 times) (God is the Greatest)
2) Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah (2) (I testify that there is no deity save God)
3) Ashhadu anna Muhammadan-Resulullah (2) (I testify that Muhammad is God’s messenger)
4) Hayya ala-s-Salah (2) (Come to prayer)
5) Hayya ala-l-Falah (2) (Come to salvation and prosperity)
6) Allahu Akbar (2) (God is the Greatest)
7) Lailaha-illallah (1) (There is no deity save God)
Who is the first Muazzin (Caller)?
He is Bilal the Abyssinian Muslim who had a melodious voice. He for the first time called the believers to pray in congregation.
What are the units/rikats of prayer?
They are:
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
2 sunnah 4 sunnah 4 sunnah 3 fard 4 sunnah
2 fard 4 fard 4 fard 2 fard 4 farz
2 sunnah 2 sunnah
3 witr
4 Rikats 10 Rikats 8 Rikats 5 Rikats 13 Rikats
What is the meaning of Fard-Salah (prayer)?
A Muslim must pray five times a day. These compulsory prayers are called Fard in Arabic. Each unit of prayer is called a Rikat.
What are the fard prayers?
Fard Prayers are :
Fajr : 2 Rikats
Zuhr : 4 Rikats
Asr : 4 Rikats
Maghrib : 3 Rikats
Isha : 4 Rikats
Jumu’ah : 2 Rikats Replaces Zuhr on Friday)
19 Rikats totaly
What is the Witr?
The witr prayer is Wadjib (necessary). It consists of three rikats and is performed after night prayer. Witr is performed just like the three Fard rikats of the magrib (sunset prayer), with the difference that in the third rikat, the worshiper recites some verses from the Qur’an after the Fatiha.
What are the Sunnah Prayers?
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed extra Rikats in addition to Fard Prayers. These Prayers are called Sunnah. They are as follows:
Fajr (Morning) 2 rikats before Fard
Zuhr (Noon) 4 before Fard and 2 after
Asr (Afternoon) 4 (optional) before Fard
Maghrib (Sunset) 2 rikats after Fard
Isha (Night) 4 (optional) before Fard and 2 rikats after Fard
What is Tahajjud?
Between Isha and Fajr, a prayer called Tahajjud was regularly offered by the Prophet. It was obligatory for the Prophet. Devout Muslims try to follow this practice, but it is not obligatory for them. Thajjud might be regarded as reading Qur’an at this time of the night, because in the middle of quiteness, it gives a deep and spritual sense of taste to the believer.
Muslims also pray additional prayers other than Fard and Sunnah. These are called Nafilah (Optional).
What are the times when we must not pray?
1) From the beginning of sunrise until after 15-20 minutes later.
2) When the Sun is at it’s height (Zenith) or (Meridian).
3) From the beginning of sunset until it is fully set.
What are the kinds of prayers?
They are;
1) The five compulsory (daily prayers)
2) Friday prayer
3) The Bairam / Eid (religious festival) prayers
4) Funeral prayer
What is Sajdat as-Sahw (Forgetfulness Sajda)?
We perform sajda sahw for two reasons:
1) If we forget to perform one of the Fards of the prayer in the prescribe,
2) When we forget to perform one of the Wadjibs of the prayer in time or when we ignores it totaly.
As soon as the worshipper offers Salam, he performs two Sajdas in the usual prayer and then sits down to recite “Tahiyyat”, “Salawat” and the prescribed prayers as usual. This prayers ends with Salam.
What is the meaning of Friday Prayer?
Muslims are a community. Friday-prayer or Salat al-Jum’a is a community prayer. Friday Prayer is offered in congregation. Each week on Fridays, Muslims living in an area get together to offer this prayer.
People assemble for this prayer immediately afternoon.
Imam (prayer leader) delivers a sermon (Khutbah). After sermon, the Imam leads two rikats fard prayer. After the fard prayer, four Rikats or more Rikats Sunnah Prayers are offered privately by each person.
What is the meaning of Funeral Prayer?
When a Muslim dies, his body is given a wash and then funeral prayer (Salat al-Janazah) is offered in congregation. This prayer unlike other prayers has neither any ruku (bowing) nor any Sajdah (prostration) and you do not have to recite tashahhud. Funeral Prayer is collective obligation (Fard al-Kifayah) on all the Muslims of the locality of the dead person. It is a kind that if some people perform it, others escape from responsibility. This is contrary to Individual-Obligation (Fard al-Ayn) which requires everybody to perform it respectively such as daily prayers.
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